Jill Fischer is a heart-centered hypnotherapist and energy healer. She is an incredible healer and inspiring teacher of hypnotherapy and energy work. (scroll to bottom for her credentials)
Jill’s skill set for the deepest healing is made to be a fun and energizing process called MindReset Technology. She helps people feel empowered, healthier, calmer, lighter and happier than they’ve ever felt before. Jill helps people find their way home to themselves when they’ve lost themselves.
Jill Fischer has worked well over a decade treating thousands of people who struggle with anxiety, chronic health, weight and sleep issues. They’ve tried western medicine, alternative therapies, counselling, prescription drugs, yoga, meditation... nothing’s worked and they’re feeling hopeless. That’s where Jill comes in.
Jill’s Story
No one is more surprised than me that I’m a hypnotherapist and energy healer. I discovered these heaing techniques through my journey of healing from a difficult divorce.
February 14th, 2005, ironically Valentine’s Day, I left a 13 year old relationship from my husband. With my one month old babygirl in one arm and my three year old boy holding my other hand, tears in my eyes and my heart beating so loud that it was hard to hear, I left an abusive relationship. I’m numb walking from the front door to the moving van. I can hear muffles of my husband screaming from inside our home. I don’t look back. Holding my kids tightly I keep walking. I’m barely breathing.
I’m free now. And I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. I don’t know where to go or what to do. I just knew something could be better.
Unconsciously I had been preparing for this path to freedom my whole life. Every role in my life, whether it was being a mom, daughter, wife, ex-wife, sister, friend, artist, business owner, I was the magnet that everyone came to for counsel. And, I lost myself in trying to care for everyone else. I forgot about me.
What I soon came to realize was how important it was to heal my own programming to get out of the jail of roles and responsibilities that I had been living in. To return back to myself and the freedom to live on my terms.
Right now, people are realizing that they don’t want to be in their career path anymore. Or they don’t want to be married to that person anymore. They are looking to reinvent themselves and have no idea how to find their way back home - to themselves.
I wasn’t willing to be in the roles and identities people held me in anymore – the retraining had begun and now this is me. This little fairy ninja light being is me.
I wanted to be free of all the identities that I had taken on in order to get approval and love. I learned how to live without all those should’s, must’s, and have to’s to fit into society, and am still learning! It’s time to remember who I am. And if you’re reading this far, it’s time for you too.
Schedule a call with Jill and begin your journey back home to yourself. You’ll love your life!
Jill’s Credentials:
Doctoral Student of Energy Psychology
Masters of Energy Psychology
Masters of Clinical Hypnotherapy
Master’s Distinction in Digital Technology
Certified Life Coach
Emotion Code Practitioner
Certified Light Therapist
Certified Crystal Light Therapist
Certified Blessing Giver
Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner
Fine Art Degree
Certified Art Administrator
Graphic Design Degree