Depression & Anxiety
“I just SAW my son. Like SAW him!!! He hasn’t been this alive in over 3 years. He is so happy and revived. Amazing!
Well done Jill.”
• Linda Mallard, Owner of Tsawwassen Wellness Centre, Tsawwassen, BC
Anxiety & Panic Attacks
"For the past several years, I have suffered from increased anxiety and panic attacks. Jill became an encouraging voice that
helped me see my potential and ever so slightly, when needed, would shift my way of thinking
that was essential for my growth. The positive effects that Jill has had on my life is undeniable.
She continues to give me the tools and insight to flourish; knowing that my journey is supported
by her wisdom and guidance, I am forever be grateful!"
• Fatima Sahar, Calgary, AB
"After insomnia and anxiety for years now I can sleep through the night! The sessions were amazing. Thank you Jill for uncovering my subconscious so I can sleep. I've stopped taking Ativan as well - that's huge!"
• Stephanie, Richmond, BC
Energy Healing Program
“I’m a Registered Social Worker with over 25 years years of experience behind me.
I found Jill’s Healing Energy Class to be well thought out and informative.
I found myself looking forward to each and every class with curiosity and excitement about what I was going to learn each class.
Jill uses science based facts to help participants understand the relevance of what they are learning.
Jill’s passion for her work comes through in her teaching style which resonated with me.
She is a learned healer and I have come away with some useful tools.
Specifically tools for releasing trauma that I have been using with my clients with excellent results. I highly recommend her course.”
• Christine Lake MSW,
The Lake Family Therapy Clinic
“Jill Fischer has the ability to calm your nerves, see through you, dig deep, and bring out the best of you, all while preparing you to become so much more. Her compassion, skill, and experience combine to make her that coach you need. I love working with her and can’t praise her too highly....."
• Dr. Dorothy A Martin-Neville, New York, USA
Moving Forward
“Jill’s genuine warmth, understanding, and professionalism were ideal for me to allow myself the freedom to first feel comfortable exploring uncomfortable things, then feel safe enough to really let go and release what I needed to so that I could move forward. Jill is ideally suited for her work and I highly recommend her.”
• Dr. Greg Driedger, Chiropractor, Calgary, AB
Limiting Beliefs
"Jill is an incredible healer, who comes from pure love & is committed to people having amazing lives. If any of you out there want to release limiting beliefs and have breakthroughs in your lives, go see Jill. This was my first experience with this kind of healing, and I am still blown away by all that I got from it. Jill, I love you. Thank you for your stand for humanity. ♥”
• Anat Stapleton, Mortgage Broker, Calgary, AB
Weight Loss
“I lost 20 lbs overnight! And I no longer have to wear my knee brace!
I asked the doctor to weigh me three times.
I couldn’t believe it. Thank you so much Jill!”
• Kim Inouye, Tsawwassen, BC
“Jill helped me quit smoking in just one session! I really didn't expect these results and I am thrilled that I was able to leave this habit behind after working with Jill. I will be saving money every month, not to mention my health so her small fee for this service was well worth it.”
• Julie Sullivan, Baltimore, Maryland, USA